Large Animal Newsletter – Autumn 2022

Large Animal Newsletter – Autumn 2022 Faecal Egg Counts for Lambing Ewes Faecal Egg counts around lambing are critical. The ewe’s immunity and their ability to withstand the burden of worms decreases dramatically at lambing, so we need to make a tight plan to...


LARGE ANIMAL NEWSLETTER SUMMER 2021/2022 Pregnancy Testing and conception rates this season Be sure to book early for any of our pregnancy testing services- our books fill fast and we hate not being able to work in when suits you. Chat to your neighbours- we can...

Large Animal Newsletter Spring 2021

Large Animal Newsletter Spring 2021 Pregnancy Testing Pregnancy testing for our autumn calving herds is well and truly underway with both our manual palpators and scanning operators already busy. Many clients have come to use our transrectal ultrasound scanner option...

Large Animal Newsletter – Winter 2021

Large Animal Newsletter Winter 2021   In this edition: Faecal Egg Count for Worm Burdens Calving and Lambing Colostrum Management Minerals in Lambing/Calving and Lactation Health Investigations Lamb marking preparation Download PDF Version Faecal Egg Count for...

Large Animal Newsletter Autumn 2021

Large Animal Newsletter Autumn 2021   In this edition: Bull Testing Pain Relief at Marking Worm Egg Counts Calving & Lambing Calf Scours Deworming Working & Farm Dogs Pain Relief Options – Lamb Marking Download PDF Version Bull Testing Bull testing,...